Working with Parm Templates

Creating Parm Templates

Adding a new parameter to a node can be a complicated matter depending on what you are trying to do. This is mainly a two-step process of 1. creating the parm template and 2. Adding that parm template to the node you want (and in the right place.)

All OX nodes have direct access to creating (almost) any type of parm template you would need. Adding the remaining parm templates is a matter of priority, but should not take long. The reason we are including these in the framework is for autocompletion and to have a much simpler way to add the parm templates where you want them.


Each of the parm template create methods returns a parm template. The reason we don’t add the parm template in the same method is that the logic can be convoluted and would require a multitude of parameters to be repeated per create method.

Adding Parm Templates

To add a parm template, simply call the add_parm_template method like so:

new_parm_template = some_ox_node.create_int_parm_template(name='some_parm')
some_ox_node.add_parm_template(parm_template=new_parm_template, insert_after_parm='<name_of_parm_to_inser_after | parm>')

Keep in mind there are more strategies available to inserting parm templates. See the method signature for more methods.

Removing Parm Templates

Removing parm templates is simple:


Folders are more difficult as their names are not controlled by our code. In this case, use the following:

some_ox_node.remove_folder_by_label(label='My Folder Label')

Subfolders are a special case. You’ll need to provide the parent and child folder labels.

some_ox_node.remove_subfolder_by_labels(parent_folder_label='My Parent Folder Label', folder_label='My Folder Label')