Welcome to OX HOM Framework for Houdini documentation!

The OX HOM Framework is a light-weight Python Object Oriented Framework build on top of Houdini’s HOM API. This framework makes it easier to organize and write code for Houdini’s hou module (HOM.) A few highlighted features include:

  • Easy node connections by input and output labels (instead of index values)

  • Easy adding and deleting parm templates from nodes

  • Setting menu parm values by label instead of by index (with auto complete)

  • Search for child nodes by substring or regex (returns a list of nodes)

  • Handling saving and loading of presets

  • Simple logging system for helpful debugging (no print statements needed!)

    • Easily change logging level

  • Easily extendible framework.

  • Extensive auto-complete features:

    • Input and output labels for any given node type

    • parameter name values

    • node types organized by network context

  • And many more helpful functions and improved workflows

The following is an example of how we can call a method on any node that can leverage the HOM under the hood.


Another main feature of the framework is providing quality-of-life coding environament capabilities such as auto-complete for all nodes and parameters


This OOP class structure is posible through automatic class generation and import registration. This requires very little additional setup, if any, per node.